Lost City of Atlantis - The Common Sense Truth

Lets just face facts for a moment, no one knows what happened to the ancient city of Atlantis, OR if it ever even existed. Yet that hasn’t stopped scientists, archaeologists, relic hunters, and alien theorists from spending thousand of hours and in some cases dollars on the search for this mythical city. Isn’t it funny(in a non HA HA way) that of all the time and money spent on the search for this island city and yet, NOTHING definitive has EVER been discovered. Want to know why???? Cause I know!!! 

How do I know you ask, well it’s simple. And surprisingly it would seem I’m ahead of modern science in my theory. 

Though mainstream science has never fully acknowledged the existence of Atlantis, it has acknowledged that it is at least possible that it existed. Did it have streets of gold or futuristic technology that would even surpass today's tech, probably not. But a pyramid, a windmill granary and running water would likely of been considered nearly impossible feats to anyone visiting. And that's where my theory begins… the technology

Atlantis was likely an island of necessity. Humans are lazy, we only invent something if it is going to make our lives easier or more fulfilling in someway. So imagine life on an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean with ravaging storms, food shortages, water shortages, floods, etc. So things were created to make their lives on that island easier. Stone buildings to resist the harsh storms, fisheries & granaries for food production, seaports for trade, large storm surviving ships, etc. As there history continues they find that they no longer need to build to ‘survive’ so like all civilizations they progress to a time of enlightenment…. Music, education, engineering, etc. Suddenly anyone that visits this island is mesmerized by its advanced technology, or at least advanced to them. 

Now some say that Atlantis was the centerpiece for ancient technologies and knowledge, for example the knowledge of how to build pyramids. It's doubtful that this is true. It’s far more likely that Atlantis was a hub of Trade and became a very wealthy trading hub, once other cultures discovered its existence. Someone in Egypt brings the knowledge of pyramids to Atlantis, someone from South America visits Atlantis and sees that knowledge and trades for it…. No alien conspiracy… just simple human capitalism at its earliest, ‘tit for tat’ as my grandfather used to call it. That alone would explain the differences in pyramids around the world. Different cultures all with the basic building plans, then changing the building plans to suit their own needs and available materials…. Atlantis was just a very wealthy trading post. 

But what happened to it? Why is there no real record of its existence? That's pretty simple to explain too. Any fisherman worth his salt knows you never divulge the location of his best fishing spot, just like no relic hunter would ever tell the location of there next treasure location. Atlantis was no different, it was known to the traders who frequented there, trading and returning to there countries to yes… make a profit on what they’ve brought back. And those early mariners knew, keeping Atlantis to themselves, would keep them rich. Want to find real evidence of Atlantis, follow the money. Trace back to a family that was unusually wealthy in the suspected Atlantis era…. If that was a mariner family who were known traders… its a good bet they were in some way involved with trading through Atlantis. 

Now what of it disappearance from the ocean, why haven't we located any evidence of its existence? First off, Atlantis wasn’t made of metal, it was stone and mortar which is easily hidden underwater once sea life attaches itself. But how did an entire island disappear under the ocean. Again let's use common sense, despite what recreations old ancient maps show as Atlantis being a formidable sized mini continent… I seriously doubt that it was. Think about it, the island of Hawaii is fairly large and would easily serves as a grand seaport for trade, host military installations and a healthy sized population,  yet in reality it is quite small… just a speck of lava rock in the vast Pacific Ocean. Well Atlantis was very probably a grande island too, but also just a speck in the Atlantic Ocean. 

There are those who believe it took some great planetary catastrophe to destroy Atlantis, like being swallowed up by the ocean during a Continental Drift scenario. I have to laugh at that. The problem with science is they always overthink and ignore the obvious. A moderate sized underwater earthquake would have been enough to destroy a large island, even going as far as swallowing it up. In addition, if the earthquake was triggered by an underwater volcano, than the resulting lava flow would cover up many if not all the man made remnants, making it nearly impossible to find once sea life established itself on the lava bed.  Keeping in mind that Atlantis was a city ON an island…. Its reasonable to believe that not the entire island was built into a technological marvel…ONLY the city was. And swallowing and covering a city is pretty easy for a volcano, above or below water. Much of the undeveloped portions of the island could very well be making up the many mountains, ridges and trenches on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and we wouldn’t even know it. Refer back to how fast sea life covers up EVERYTHING. 

Well that's my theory in 5 minutes of applying the scientific method of ‘Common Sense’.  

I give you this advice and fully expect and require some of the credit when you do find Atlantis. To find a definitive location of the island, you have to correlate 3 occurrences in the past with 2 geological markers today:

  1. Locations of underwater volcanic and earthquake activity during the suspected Atlantis era. This can be speculated by finding observations from people that lived in shoreline locations along the Atlantic bordering continents. Search for references to tidal wives, large amounts of dead fish washing on shore, smoke seen out on the ocean, earth quakes, first sightings of never before seen birds, building or ship wreckage, anything in large quantities that could have been brought by the tides
  2. Locations of civilizations that had tech, spices, culture or knowledge in common or relatively similar
  3. Researching family lines of known seas traders. Anyone who traded through Atlantis would have likely become very wealthy. Find trading families that were all wealthy near the same time period and had access to the Atlantic Ocean. With greater research you could even find there trading routes and surmise that most likely location that they would have left the safety of the shoreline seaports and headed into the deep sea towards Atlantis would have been their last shoreline seaport. Find enough of these routes on both sides of the Atlantic and you’ve found a nice idea of Atlantis location.

For the present day markers

You are looking for underwater mountain ranges that had volcanic or earthquake activity. Mountain ranges near trenches would also be highly valuable markers
Research current patterns and adjust them appropriately between now and the suspected Atlantis era

Then use a ruler and draw a bunch of lines connecting one side of the Atlantic to the other, the center point of those lines will likely be the approximate location of Atlantis. 

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